HEY!! Hope you all had a great week!!!
It was another good one down in Terradise :) I have a few cool stories to sharreee. One day we were on campus and it was completely dead...NOBODY was there, so we decided to go tract some neighborhoods. There was one house that stood out to us so we started there. A young mom with two little kids opened up the door. It turns out that she has been homeless because of some really hard times with her ex husband and she just recently found a home for her little family. She is in such a humble position in her life and really open to learn. It was one of those times that we just felt we were in the right place at the right time. For some reason we just have a good feeling about her! I'm excited to work with her more and see how much the gospel will truly bless them at this time in their lives.
We also went on exchanges with the STLs which was fun too! We taught "H" and had a great lesson with him. We taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ and used a really fun object lesson to teach it. We committed them to hold Family Home Evenings and for "H" to do the object lesson for the spiritual thought in FHE. Then they came to us at church and were so excited to tell us how much fun they had at FHE and how well the lesson went and how they have big plans for the next one this week. It makes me so happy to see them all progress in the gospel!
Remember that one lady we tracted into right after she was praying for guidance and was soooooo amazed with the restoration and cried and felt like it was the path for her? We saw her and her fiancé this week and it t'was great. We were so nervous to talk to her fiancé because we heard he was strong in his religion, but he ended up being SUPER open. He was also amazed at the message of the Restoration and they said that this is something that they would pray about as a couple. AH :) SO excited. so so so so excited :)
OOH cool miracle....One day we decided to go visit that man who randomly showed up to church last week, "G". It was an AWESOME visit. He said he was so amazed with the experience he had at church and was super impressed with the strong spirit that was there. He has been to soooooo many churches, and he said that ours was one of his favorites. He is now open to learning more from us and coming again! EEP :)
I also got the opportunity to go to the Temple this week for Sister Stucki's departing Temple trip! We miraculously found members who were going to the temple to take us...and a quick two hour drive later, I was back in good ol' Carmel. It was so fun to be back and I even got to see sweet Sister Luo:) And I just loovveee the Temple!!!
This week I was reminded about a Book of Mormon chapter that I read in the MTC. It's found in Alma 31. This is when Alma is on his mission to teach the Zoramites who have fallen into wickedness. Despite the missionaries efforts, the Zoramites were very prideful, they were worshiping falsely and denied Christ. This made Alma and his fellow missionaries verryyyy sad. So they turned to the Lord and prayed for help and support. After this, they were filled with the Holy Ghost, comforting them and were "swallowed up in the Joy of Christ". Just like Alma and the Sons of Mosiah, we will all face trials and challenges and life, but I know that the way to find Eternal Joy, IN our trials, is through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Our burdens, trials, sadnesses, and afflictions can literally be "swallowed up in the Joy of Christ" if we seek Him and go to Him for help and support. PLEASE READ THIS CHAPTER :) It's good stuff!
Sure love ya, Thanks for all the help and support! HAVE A GREAT WEEK!
Love, Sister Burgon*
A few more pictures 'cause I know y'all love them...haha
See y'all again next week...LOVE YOU!!!!