Dear Brother & Sister Burgon,
Your daughter, Emily Burgon, has accepted the assignment to serve as a Sister Trainer Leader for the Indiana Indianapolis Mission. During each six-week transfer period, each sister missionary companionship will engage in a twenty-four hour companion exchange with another missionary pair. The purpose of each exchange is to allow the exchanging missionary to evaluate the activities and the teaching effectiveness of the missionary with whom she has the exchange.
Your daughter's responsibility will be to plan, coordinate, and submit activity reports with respect to all exchanges of sister missionaries within the mission. As you know, Sister Burgon's dedication and organizational skills make her well suited for this new responsibility. Her work will be extremely helpful to me as I facilitate sister-missionary companionship assignments and transfers.
You should be very proud of your daughter. She is an excellent missionary and has brought the light of the gospel into the lives of many. Sister Carlson and I have grown to love and respect her very much. Thank you for raising such a fine daughter of God.
Daryl H. Carlson
Daryl H. Carlson
Mission President