Monday, January 25, 2016


I spy with my little eye...
Sister Burgon!!!!
Thanks Shelli for giving Sister Burgon a Mama's hug at the airport!!!
Sister Burgon was up at 2:00 A M!!! to get ready to leave the MTC. After getting ready and packed imagine this cute little sister missionary at 3:20a lugging her 2 large suitcases and a heavy carry-on suitcase behind her and carrying a shoulder bag down to the main entrance to await transport to the airport to catch her flight. She managed to break into the MTC cafeteria to grab a banana for the road just before the bus arrived. She and all of the other departing missionaries successfully maneuvered their luggage onto the bus and were super excited when they were dropped off down the road at the FrontRunner train station. NO PROB BOB! Off the bus and all the luggage too. Wait for the train. Get on the train. Don't forget the luggage. Rest while traveling to Salt Lake City. Exit the train (with said luggage). Catch a Traxx train (make sure you get on the right one) (and don't forget all those bags!!) Ride Traxx through the city as it makes it's way out to the airport. You've reached your destination...kind of...You might be at the airport, but not quite where you need to be just yet. So, take the luggage and get outta that train. Hop on a shuttle bus. Don't worry sista you're almost there. Bus drops you off at the Terminal. YAY!!! Now grab your luggage, head into the Terminal find the Delta spot. Wait in line. Check the two large suitcases and head up to security.

She made it through all of that and security without a hitch!!!

She was scheduled to call home at 6:00a but after hearing her tale of the morning's adventures we completely understood why the call didn't come until after 7:00a. She said she had just made it through security and was finally at her gate. We were able to chat for a little bit and then she ended the call with an "I gotta go! They're BOARDING!!" 

NEXT STOP....INDY!!!! after a plane change in Minneapolis.
Love you., Sister Burgon*