Hope you all had an awesome 4th of July...my British companion and I had a fun time going all out for this semi-ironic holiday...considering the circumstances...haha Love my comp...she has some Murica pride-Go Sista Gray! ![[?]](https://mail.google.com/mail/e/fe4ea)
Our branch President even had us over for Fish 'n Chips, and we got to drive through the cities fireworks on our ride home-t'was a holiday well spent.
A big highlight for me this week was going on exchanges with Sister Womack. This is her first transfer on the mission and she is a KILLER MISSIONARY. There's truly nothing like being companions with new missionaries...even if its only for a day. She has such a powerful spirit and testimony and we got to teach a lot of people together on campus! SO FUN!! We talked about the fact that now we are here serving, it's important to find our reason to stay. It was our goal for the day, and Heavenly Father surely answered our prayers. Just being with her made me remember so many memories throughout the course of my mission, and it was such a tender mercy from the spirit to touch my heart with. I LOVE MY MISSION. Truly nothing- N O T H I N G like it. happy day :)
We also got to have interviews with President Carlson whom I just love!!! He's the best and it is always so good to talk to him and receive guidance, council, and encouragement from him. The next day was MLC...which surprisingly, we got asked to give a training at!! We trained on How to be Effective "Planners"...and talked about how to use every element of our planner to help in the work. T'was fun- and Heavenly Father sure sends inspiration when you seek it :)
As we've been meeting met with the recent converts in this area, I've been so incredibly touched at their stories-their testimonies, and hearing first hand how the Lord has worked with them side-by-side in their life. And how the Gospel truly brings happiness. It is a testimony builder to ME-I sure know that God is aware of each and every one of us, and He has a perfect plan.
We've been trying to use our dinner appointments more effectively by inviting people-investigators, recent converts, less actives etc, to come and its COOOOL!! This week an awesome YSA invited a friend she works with, and we got to have the neatest experience talking to her about/reading from the Book of Mormon. Crazy how powerful that can be-it just is a reflection of how truly inspired it is:) And we might get to meet up with her again-wooooot.
This week, as a part of our transfer goal to "See Christ in Me", we've been studying/strengthening our FAITH. It's sure cool to see what a difference having a "faith-filled attitude" can make, and then seeing God's hand totally take over when we ACT on that faith. With both, miracles just come rolling on in. I also appreciate the time of the "trial of our faith", I feel like this is totally necessary, and when I personally learn and grow the most. Thank goodness Heavenly Father is there the whole time, regardless. Helaman 5:47
Love, Sister Burgon*
Pix: with a few missionaries at Interviews
My life goal!!!
Have a great week!!!!